Candice Suarez Coaching

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The 5 Things I Provide for My Clients

It is possible for you to not only live a good life, but to live your best life. Have you ever taken the time to really think about what that means?  To dream of what you really want your life to feel like, envision what you will be doing when you have reached your goals.  

How can you find that level of life satisfaction, even when life has thrown you curveballs? How can you thrive even in the face of adversity, even when you feel stuck?  You don’t feel like you need a life overhaul - just some slight tweaks and adjustments in one or more areas of your life would make things more satisfying.  Or maybe you are unsatisfied with an area of your life, such as your career or your lack of time for yourself to pursue what you love. Maybe you have experienced a significant change, illness or loss that has left you without a clear path forward. 

If any of these scenarios resonate with you, you might benefit from a Life Coach. Have you ever wondered what a Life Coach does? Specifically I am a Life Transition Coach, and what that means is that I support people through a life transition - career change, relocation, significant illness, loss of a relationship, etc - to not only survive moving forward, but to thrive. I help people identify what their best life looks like and take steps every day to live it. 

I have outlined what it means to work with me. It is more than simply having a coaching session. Here are the 5 things that I provide for my coaching clients:

  1. Organization – I provide a way to organize the “buckets” of your life - health, work, love, play - so that you can take a real honest look at all of them.  Even if clients come to me with one particular thing they want to work on, I believe that the choices we make affect many more areas than we think.  Starting the process by taking stock of where you are in the present allows for you to see everything more clearly moving forward. We also spend a fair amount of time creating a clear vision of what your future best life looks like.  And then we set goals and make a plan for implementation. 


  2. Assessment – I include an Enneagram Personality assessment for all of my clients if they would like to have one.  This serves 2 functions – 1) I am a firm believer that self-knowledge is power, and I find that this assessment is a good one for looking at healthy and potentially unhealthy expressions of our personality; 2) I like to know, as your coach, what motivates you and how you respond to situations.  The enneagram helps me do this.  As needed, I also utilize Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies in order to know what kind of accountability you need for behavior change.  I also have access to a Career and Academic Assessment if career change is something you are struggling with.  

  3. Feedback – As my clients talk and share what is going on in their world, I am always listening for patterns of thinking.  I’m not a practicing therapist, but my training in counseling allows me to work on some cognitive reframing of negative thought patterns they might not have realized they were engaging in.  I am fairly straightforward with my clients and will challenge them to think outside the box.

  4. Reflection – I encourage all of my clients to spend time daily in some form of reflection.  My favorite by far is journaling, and I incorporate this into the work we do together.  I advocate for a daily brain dump/morning pages routine and help to get that started.  I also research and send my clients journal prompts that fit the areas they are working on for a deeper dive into processing through a particular issue.  I never ask to see journal entries, but I am an expert in behavior modification so I can provide a level of accountability, as well as help analyze the time in your day to find the best time to add this as a habit.

  5. Self Care – I am a firm believer in self care and will encourage my clients to find time in their day for various aspects of self care.  I utilize a theory of self care (credit:  Elizabeth Tollis )  that I share with my clients – Maintenance (daily habits like journaling, exercise, meditation, diet, exercise), Restoration (weekly/monthly activities like pampering, vacations, outings with friends, bubble bath, hobbies), and Investment (education, coaching, personal development, retreats, reading).  


I am a highly invested coach.  For me it is far beyond 2 meetings per month, and I spend a lot of brain energy thinking about my clients between sessions.  So I often find myself reaching out between sessions to provide insight, check in on progress, provide accountability, send journal prompts or affirmations, etc.  So reach out if you are ready to take this next step towards living your best life.  I would love to work with you.