Candice Suarez Candice Suarez

The 5 Things I Provide for My Clients

It is possible for you to not only live a good life, but to live your best life. Have you ever taken the time to really think about what that means? To dream of what you really want your life to feel like, envision what you will be doing when you have reached your goals.

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Candice Suarez Candice Suarez

Self Care as a Cancer Survivor

We are all sponges. I recently heard this theory of self-care that resonated with me. When we take care of ourselves, we absorb water like a sponge. Then throughout the day as we navigate life’s tasks of work, family, etc, etc, we are slowly - or quickly - squeezing out the water. Or, more literally, squeezing out our energy, our capacity for work, our good mood, our tolerance for frustration, etc. If we don’t take time to adequately fill our sponge, we won’t have anything left to squeeze out. Alternatively, if our sponge is empty by mid-morning, how do we fill it back up again to make it through the remainder of the day?

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