Candice Suarez Candice Suarez

The 5 Things I Provide for My Clients

It is possible for you to not only live a good life, but to live your best life. Have you ever taken the time to really think about what that means? To dream of what you really want your life to feel like, envision what you will be doing when you have reached your goals.

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Candice Suarez Candice Suarez

My 3 Not-too-Serious Methods for Self Soothing in Times of Distress

As I write this today, March 9, it is the one year anniversary of my cancer surgery. The one year anniversary of the beginning of a journey to healing. As I remember it, it’s fuzzy. It’s a blur. I was in a lot of pain prior to my surgery, so I was actually looking forward to getting the surgery.

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Candice Suarez Candice Suarez

Can You Be Both Extroverted and Introverted?

Can you confidently call yourself an extrovert? Can you say without a doubt that you are an introvert? If you really think about it, you probably cannot definitively choose one with the exclusion of the other. Sure, you might strongly lean one way or the other, but you’re much more complex than that. You are a nuanced, unique person who cannot just fit in one extroverted or introverted box.

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