Candice Suarez Candice Suarez

Take Control

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” - Maya Angelou

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Candice Suarez Candice Suarez

Exploring Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset. This term feels like a recent catch phrase to me. I’m not sure if it's just something I have discovered recently because of my deep dive into the world of personal development, or if it is really a new topic for blogs, podcasts, facebook lives, etc. But for many years now, before I even knew what having a growth mindset meant, I have surrounded myself with images of growth.

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Candice Suarez Candice Suarez

Gray Hair? Yikes!

I started discovering gray in my hair from the early age of 22. So covering my gray regularly and getting my roots done was far from drudgery for me, because it gave me the excuse to go to the salon often. But recently I’ve been thinking about a drastic change. Not only a change in my hair color, but a change that is requiring a shift in my attitude and mindset. I’ve decided to let my hair go gray.

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Candice Suarez Candice Suarez

Building Habits and Routines

OK everybody. I’m here to drop a little science on you today. Specifically, the science of behavior. In my previous post HERE I shared my morning routine. I shared how I took back my mornings and now set myself up for having a successful day by starting with gratitude and focus. The picture above this blog post was on the day, about three months ago, I hit a milestone. It was my 100th Pilates class! I have always struggled adding exercise to my routine. Nothing stuck until Pilates. It may seem like a simple thing. Just start.

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Candice Suarez Candice Suarez

Morning Routines

I have never considered myself a morning person. It’s always been a joke in my family that I could sleep through anything, especially my alarm in the morning. My husband hates when I set an alarm in the morning. It’s loud, annoying, and goes off for far too long before I find it and turn it off. I’ve always been one of those people who sets the alarm for at least 30 minutes before I absolutely have to get out of bed, so that I could hit the snooze button repeatedly.

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Candice Suarez Candice Suarez

Discovering Your Why

I have found my purpose. My reason for doing what I do. My reason why I am working so hard...and loving it. I have finally blended all of my education, experience and the things I naturally gravitate towards into one glorious purpose. One culminating “why.” Are you curious yet? Well, I have discovered that my why is listening to people tell their story, discovering what makes them tick, and helping them find their why.

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